Just let the HN hype wave wash over you my friend :)
I see the sqlite hype as a (legitimate) pendulum swing away from defaulting to 'web scale' everything to a realization that most of the systems we design don't need it.
On the other hand, when you start mixing in new tech like litefs to paper over shortcomings in the fundamental nature of an alternative, I start to question the sanity of the choice.
We have screwdrivers, hammers, wrenches, let's not select a wrench and wrap it in a 'screwdriver adapter as a service'.
> I see the sqlite hype as a (legitimate) pendulum swing away from defaulting to 'web scale' everything to a realization that most of the systems we design don't need it.
That was exactly my thought, the majority of work that gets put out there isn't going to need to scale to many different nodes to serve thousands+ of concurrent users. If you're actually serving tonnes of traffic and need clustering or high end redundancy, have at 'er. But for most of the professional work I've done, SQLite is more than enough (provided you back it up properly!)
I think this is also influenced by my philosophy of keep things simple and only scale when you need to. I haven't had need of k8s or anything like that and suspect many companies serving small-medium traffic loads don't either.
> We have screwdrivers, hammers, wrenches, let's not select a wrench and wrap it in a 'screwdriver adapter as a service'.
My hats off to you on this comment, even more so if you are the originator. Personal experience shows that I have added more complexity by spinning up a postgres server 'in case I need it' more often than not.
Why do we need to hype what amounts to a core software for the planet. Sqlite is good in some places. Mysql is good in others. Were all smart enough here to make that decision when to reach for what
I question your metaphor - SQLite has been popular here since I started reading this site. Wave suggests a rise and fall of popularity (possibly in a long lasting cycle)... sqlite has always just been popular and well regarded.
You may be noticing it more out of a frequency bias (baader-meinhoff effect) situation.
I see the sqlite hype as a (legitimate) pendulum swing away from defaulting to 'web scale' everything to a realization that most of the systems we design don't need it.
On the other hand, when you start mixing in new tech like litefs to paper over shortcomings in the fundamental nature of an alternative, I start to question the sanity of the choice.
We have screwdrivers, hammers, wrenches, let's not select a wrench and wrap it in a 'screwdriver adapter as a service'.