It is possible for all of that to be true (I believe it) and for Serb domination to be a thing, too. (Empires can crumble while trying to adapt, too. There were parallels in the Soviet union break-up.)
Yeah, the issue is too complex to summarize in a single post. Why that country was created, the influences that shaped it, the varying desires of its constituent parts, and what might have happened if the Warsaw Pact had continued to exist...
Another aspect, often forgotten nowadays, is that after World War II, communism was the defining characteristic of the ruling class. They were Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, but above all, they were communists. Over time, this was gradually replaced by thinly veiled nationalism. It's not coincidental that many of the politicians who emerged as party leaders, and later as state leaders, after the collapse of communism were, at some point, members of the communist party.