ISO 3166 has a a lot of legacy countries (edit: countries code ! not countries), not the ICANN fault. Like Guadeloupe, that is a French region, not a independent island (and doesn't want to be).
I should study why these code exists since there aren't UN members. Seems a lot political for me.
Recognize by UN. It's not even legacy. The legacy part was about « The use of UN recognition » to refer to countries (that's a new definition). Not anything like it's a country that should not exists, I apologize for any bad wording.
Taiwan is not a "legacy" country, but I think the point is that the article's claim, that the ISO 3166 country codes correspond to UN seat holders, is false.
I apologize for any bad wording. Didn't intend to say that Guadeloupe was a legacy country or anything, nor Taïwan. The legacy part was about using something other than UN recognition (before using that rule). You're right about the point I wanted to make.