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This is a common critique, and although I don't have insight into why the original decision to not have namespaces was made, the current outlook is that until issues related to continuity are resolved, it's a no go:


That article starts with the premise that “it’s a feature, not a bug” then goes on to describe a whole bunch of things I consider to be anti-features of a packaging system that has a flat namespace.

The first section says it discourages forking. I consider this to be bad. Nobody’s code should be more important purely because it squatted a better name.

The Identity section actually makes the case that flat registries make naming harder.

The section on Continuity is “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas”. Make up an org name and grandfather all packages in the flat namespace into that special org. Also this is already a problem because packages in the flat namespace do get abandoned, then forked, and then we have the associated issues.

The section on Stability seems to take it as a given that crates.io should be the only registry. I don’t. It also seems to conflate cargo with rustc for the benefit of the argument.

The squatting section describes only anti-features and I don’t consider the author’s legitimate use cases to be legitimate reasons to squat.

I think the only legitimate problems that need addressing are the ergonomics of accessing namespaced packages throughout transient dependencies and backwards compatibility with non-namespaced code. But the fact that these are real problems does not, to me, make a flat namespace a “feature”. It’s just easier to implement.

It’s okay for it to be a mistake that takes effort and time to fix.

Another option would be to grandfather all packages into their own org. So serde becomes serde/serde. This way you don't need to manage permission rules in the legacy "all" namespace.

You get some oddities such as serde-derive/serde-derive but the package owners can choose if they want to move to serde/derive or leave it in a separate namespace.

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