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Does the asciidoc to pdf workflow involve an intermediate html / headless chromium step?

In most cases no, AsciiDoctor-PDF converter uses the Ruby library PDF library Prawn to generate PDFs, However, there are alternative PDF converters which do convert from HTML (the VSC AsciiDoctor plug-in allows the option to use a different converter), but I don't think they use chrome. Please note that using different pdf converters is a bit of an advanced topic. https://wkhtmltopdf.org/, and asciidoctor-web-pdf. https://github.com/ggrossetie/asciidoctor-web-pdf

I encourage everyone to take a look at the documentation; this is the markup language I now use for all my personal and professional projects. https://docs.asciidoctor.org/

I used the asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf program extensively a while ago, and whilst it wasn’t that bad, it was still a bit hacky, didnt support page breaks for example. But maybe it got better now…

The docs call out that page break is supposed to work in PDF, so I guess it should work now? I've found Asciidoctor-pdf to be pretty incredible in the output it produces — only problem is the arcane config file…

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