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Not mentioned in the article:

- Semantic version is not responsive (sure it looks ok but isn't optimised)

- Tailwind version has 13 inlined SVG icons (on the homepage) which increase DOM size (Semantic version has none)

- Tailwind version uses optimised markup for SEO purposes which leads to increased DOM size (<ul> list for navigation; not wrapping entire article summary in an anchor; using <dl/dt/dd> structure in work section)

This is clearly not comparing apples with apples when it comes to semantic HTML+CSS vs Tailwind.

However, most egregiously, the author goes on to make a bunch of comparisons between the Next.js tailwindui marketing site and his Nuejs-generated template for the argument that "Tailwind is bad for performance". This is deliberately misleading.

There are plenty of valid criticisms of Tailwind but it's hard not to look at this article as anything but a puff piece for the author's framework rather than a serious comparison of two approaches to building UIs.

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