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I can't... you might be able to afford $10k, but right now, I had to think hard before spending $3 last night.

I hope to learn enough Verilog/VHDL/RTL to take advantage of the Free Shuttle program they have[1] eventually.

Currently, I'm wondering how to go from expressions to code I can load into a bitgrid. The thought of parsing code, building an AST, converting that to an acyclic directed graph of binary expressions, to actual bits to load the grid with.... overwhelms me, and has me putting it off. 8(

I do have a working simulator, written in Pascal[2], that can run fairly quickly for toy problems on my desktop PC. So, there's been some progress.

I strongly suspect I can get there, but need an accountability buddy to push me along. I used to be a self starter, but I stayed in an IT Admin job too long that crushed it out of me.

[1] https://efabless.com/open_shuttle_program

[2] https://github.com/mikewarot/Bitgrid

You might try starting here then. It’s a good community as well


You’re not required to buy the tile to take the lessons

That looks awesome... thanks!

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