There's no end to that game of efficiency. You end up with either ascetic monk life people or asking for population reduction measures.
If you're annoyed about low efficiency of ordering food, what do you think of vacation traveling, hobbies, any sort of vehicles etc. Most efficiency would be to have no humans with our superfluous wants and needs. Otherwise you're just shaming others for doing things you happen not to like, while forgetting all the useless things you do. Surely you have done consumist purchases that weren't required for your immediate survival or health preservation before.
Possibly if that last mile delivery was carried out by people who were also practiced in logistics. This is never the case. It’s better for you to find a means of transportation to get your staples of living than to pay someone else to use any means of transportation to provide you your bananas.
The planet can’t take any more “conveniences” on our behalf. We need to find a more efficient way of delivering goods and getting our goods. Throwing your hands up and saying “I’ll just get everything delivered” is about the worst option you can do from a logistics perspective to reduce carbon.