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I've been playing around with writing an application-orientated Incremental View Maintenance library along these lines:


It's based off of the DBSP paper, which counts Materialize's Frank McSherry as an author. Definitely not ready for the prime time, but any feeback welcome!

Very nice! Are you using the dbsp implementation from the paper authors for this (e.g., https://github.com/feldera/feldera/tree/main/crates/dbsp)?

I didn't - I wanted to build something I could understand, and the rust implementation comes with a load of (reasonable) complexity, some resulting from the execution model, some from performance requirements.

stepping has 3 Zset implementations - in memory, sqlite and postgres. Currently considering whether to write a small rust one.

There's some more details here: https://stepping.site/docs/internals/how-it-works/

neat! I sent you an email

Ahh, I see you're a cofounder at feldera :)

I have a couple of dbsp questions if you're feeling generous and have 10mins free - reach out ojhrussell at gmail

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