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Microwatt: A tiny Open POWER ISA softcore written in VHDL 2008 (github.com/antonblanchard)
141 points by ksec 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 36 comments

My favorite part of this project is the pretty large battery of test cases. A lot of chip rtl releases don't bother with open sourcing the verification too, and that's arguably more useful than the rtl in the first place.


Newbie questions, what is a 'softcore'?

Also, how many transistors does this equate to? Because IIRC PowerPC is quite an extensive instruction set, and some instructions are quite involved

A softcore is a CPU core that can be implemented in an FPGA, because it is provided as code written in Verilog or VHDL.

Using the tools specific for each FPGA vendor, e.g. AMD (i.e. Xilinx), Altera (to be spun off soon by Intel), Lattice or Microchip, the HDL code can be synthesized into logic gates, then placed and routed, then the bit string with the corresponding configuration can be loaded into an FPGA.

If in the same FPGA one also implements a memory controller and peripheral interfaces, it can be used instead of a standard CPU.

The disadvantage is a low clock frequency, typically of a few hundred MHz, and high power consumption in comparison with a standard CPU with the same performance.

The advantage is that you can be certain that the CPU does only what you want, with no hidden functions or backdoors, and that you can customize it in ways that are not possible with standard CPUs, e.g. by adding instructions or accelerator blocks for performing some tasks that are done inefficiently in software or for interfacing with certain hardware devices that have real-time requirements that are difficult to achieve in a non-deterministic standard CPU.

A softcore is a CPU to run on an FPGA.

Microwatt fits in a Lattice ECP5 FPGA with 85,000 LUTs (plus some block ram). Not sure how you'd get to transistors from that, wild guess times by 15 maybe? (But then the FPGA also has other special hardware blocks intended for interfacing with DDR RAM and other things, so those would be more as well).

You can see how the Power instruction decode is implemented https://github.com/antonblanchard/microwatt/blob/master/deco...

> A softcore is a CPU to run on an FPGA.

It's also an unwise search term on the web. Ask me how I know!

The big thing that complicates figuring out a transistor count for a soft CPU core is that FPGAs have hardware multipliers, which would be pretty big if you had to build them yourself.

>A softcore is a CPU to run on an FPGA.

Technically it's a core that's supplied as RTL (code). There's nothing stopping you using it in custom silicon instead of on an FPGA. Whereas a "hard IP" core is already compiled down to a specific technology and can only be used there. It's possible for a hard macro to be for an FPGA, but it would be for a specific product line. A "hard macro" for custom silicon would be specific to a particular fab process.

Times 10-20 is a good way to get to gates from LUT4 (and some number of flip-flops). In turn, multiply by 4 to get transistors.

Of course, this is all very approximate.

> Microwatt fits in a Lattice ECP5 FPGA with 85,000 LUTs

There goes "tiny"...

That is indeed a small FPGA.

There are big FPGAs that cost many thousands of $.

Medium-size FPGAs, which may cost a few hundreds of $, have a few hundred thousand LUTs.

An evaluation board for the medium-to-small ECP5 FPGA is $100.

FWIW, 85k 4-input luts is huge by the standards of any softcore with "micro" in the name.

It comfortably surpasses the capacity of most of the Actel aerospace FPGAs that I tend to work with.

And I think it's so "micro" that the majority of all of Lattice's FPGAs wouldn't fit it either.

And the Lattice ECP5 is advertised with 85k LUTs, which would seemingly limit its use to edification as instantiating this softcore would consume the entire chip. For any other purpose if you wanted a chip that was only a CPU, you would buy a CPU.

The Lattice ECP5 must have been just an example, because in the Github repository there is another example about how to run Linux on it on a 33000 logic cell Artix FPGA board, so I assume that the core must take significantly less than 30000 cells.

Any PowerPC core, even a relatively small one like this, is much more powerful than the soft cores that are used in FPGAs when minimum size is desired.

There are also a few other bigger open-source POWER cores, which can be used for higher performance.

...could be named for how much space is left after that soft core has been instantiated.

Ah the good old days. Many years ago I worked on a Power ISA CPU. The advantages were obvious - the ISA is open source (read: long dead and burried, they gave up on making it viable a decade or two ago and dumped it open source), and the ISA is neat- you have a 32bit instruction and you can literally do a case statement of "1100_0000_0000_0000: // do fpadd" whereas IA64 had the crazy variable length instructions and all.

Would be a nice project to upload to OpenCores.org - didn't see it listed there.

I thought OpenCores was dead

Related (I think they use Microwatt): https://libre-soc.org/

> and now RISC-V, both in terms of use

I'm not sure that's quite true?

Is there a viable VHDL frontend for Yosys yet?

ghdl-yosys-plugin works, it's used for Microwatt's ecp5 target.

The FPU has an instruction for fast inverse square root.


I presume v.state := ... is what the FPU will do next, like a deferred goto. you can unroll the whole process following that.

lookup table: https://github.com/antonblanchard/microwatt/blob/master/fpu....

Since the 1990s PowerPC/POWER has been touted as viable alternative to the x86 architecture. Initially, they gained traction through PowerMacs and Amigas with accel-cards, as well as via PPC versions of Windows and OS/2. Next, they aimed to compete in the cloud, where ARM eventually outpaced them.

I have first-hand experience porting https://phoenix-rtos.com/ to PowerPC back in the early 2000s and it's a very sane CPU arch (in comparison to x86). However, it's evident that POWER lags behind x86, ARM, and now RISC-V, both in terms of use and public attention.

> it's a very sane CPU arch (in comparison to x86)

Anything is sane compared to current x86. Each generation is an added layer of complication on top of the previous one and it's been going on since the late 70's.

I bet PowerPC still has some 68000 stuff into it.

If anything x86 is a proof that evolution works better in market adoption than nuking everything, specially when not every company cares about the bazaar, only their cathedrals.

> I bet PowerPC still has some 68000 stuff into it.

You'd lose. There were two platforms who made that jump, but the architectures have no lineage in common at all.

Wild in retrospect, but the original Apple plan for the PowerPC transition was to have no backward binary software compatibility at all!

Interesting and surprising! Is there a source for this?

There seems to have been a lot of work on emulation by Gary Davidian from an early stage - starting with the AMD 29000 then 88k and then finally on PowerPC - according to his CHM oral history.

The version of this story I heard first comes from the (absurdly fun, if you’re into that sort of thing) 65scribe YouTube channel’s video on the PowerMac 8100:


Roughly lines up with the history recounted here:


Apple was planning to go with a radical new design, breaking with the past in both software and hardware, but Gary Davidian & co. saved them from their own foolishness via a skunkworks project that actually could ship.

Many thanks! Yes, all fits together.

By complete co-incidence I have a blog post on the various Mac CPU transitions in draft that should be out tomorrow.

One mildly amusing point, which I don't think is mentioned in either link is that the Cognac project was so called because the surname of John Hennessy, of Stanford RISC and MIPS fame, is also, of course, the name of a brand of Cognac.

I don't know if it was the 68000 but Apple demanded that when they adopted POWER, Motorola could still supply chips. But Motorolas core couldn't be made to run POWER. So PowerPC is basically a merge between IBM Power core and Motorola's next generation core.

There's one register called CCR on m68k and CR on PPC, so that's probably not an accident ;)

The term "condition-code register" predates by decades both the Motorola MC68000 (1979) and the IBM POWER (1990). It was a term used in many unrelated computers.

Already in 1964, in IBM System/360, the condition-code was a part of a bigger register, the "processor status word". The terms are much older than that.

Also in MC68000, the CCR is a part of the bigger status register, which, unlike the CCR, can be accessed only by privileged programs.

In POWER, the condition register also holds only the condition-code part of the status, but it has room for 8 groups of condition codes, to allow high speed even for cheaper in-order CPUs, which do not have register renaming (where otherwise a shared condition-code register would prevent the concurrent execution of instructions).

Yeah, in practical implementations the 32-bit Power condition register is more like eight four-bit ones, and lots of code will run compares in parallel to different fields. It's one of the architecture's notable strengths.

Is there anything standing in the way of people making open source cores that would be binary compatible with a modern POWER core? I love RISC-V's inroads in embedded, research, and education but I'm a bit skeptical of it succeeding in application cores in its current form and open POWER cores might be another road to open source hardware.

>but I'm a bit skeptical of it succeeding in application cores in its current form

Be a little patient. A bunch of very high performance application cores are hitting the market next year.

Sure judgement can be delayed till then.

That's pretty much what this is.

Did anyone else have that science teacher, that whenever covering electricity would ask/state "what is a unit of power" to which the response is yes.

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