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While formally you are correct and Russian law makes distinction between terrorism and extremism, it is wrong to equate it to the Western legal framework. Yes, at the very abstract level both Russia and Western countries have a legal system based on some formal procedure. That’s also where the commonality ends. The laws used to incarcerate Navalny and condemn his organization were either unconstitutional or applied in an unconstitutional way. One unlawful decision does not make subsequent decisions based on it lawful, it just makes them look like ones. Independent court could have found that FBK is a legal organization and thus his lawyers did not actually break the law and we should not have spoken about „consequences“.

I would be worried for poor, poor putin if Russia didn't do the "decedent, satanic, LGBT, degenerate" western concept called arresting someone for breaking the law as somone from west I can now rest easy knowing thanks to your comment, that indeed Russia does indeed practice this.

Speaking about manipulation devices, it was not Navalny who sent them to jail. And speaking about manipulation devices this is still Russian regime taking down opponents rather then the organization or layers doing anything illegal or bad.

> it was not Navalny who sent them to jail

It was their breaking the law that sent them to jail.

> And speaking about manipulation devices this is still Russian regime taking down opponents rather then the organization or layers doing anything illegal or bad.

And your evidence is?

> It was their breaking the law that sent them to jail.

Nah. Highly political and corrupt system did. Lets not lie about this. Nothing to do with breaking the law. Everything to do with being vocal opposition.

Again, your evidence?

The decision to designate FBK as extremist organization was illegal. The due process was not followed, prosecutors failed to present any evidence etc. The law on extremism which was used in this case is itself probably unconstitutional regardless of the decisions of Constitutional Court which lost its independence and its mind long ago. By extension any charges against lawyers because of their support of Navalny and FBK should be considered unlawful. They did not break the law by supporting this organization regardless of the opinion of Russian legal system.

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