Hi, I'm a Redux maintainer. Yeah, Redux Toolkit includes our RTK Query data fetching and caching layer [0] [1], which is roughly equivalent in features and use case to React Query.
In fact, the React Query and Redux maintainers cross-recommend each other's libraries. If you're _not_ using Redux in an app, use React Query for your data fetching. If you _are_ using Redux in an app, use RTK Query for your data fetching.
(There are some differences in features and API design that might be a reason to use RTK Query even if you're not using Redux for client-side state management, such as the OpenAPI/GraphQL codegens, auto-generated React hooks, etc [1] )
In fact, the React Query and Redux maintainers cross-recommend each other's libraries. If you're _not_ using Redux in an app, use React Query for your data fetching. If you _are_ using Redux in an app, use RTK Query for your data fetching.
(There are some differences in features and API design that might be a reason to use RTK Query even if you're not using Redux for client-side state management, such as the OpenAPI/GraphQL codegens, auto-generated React hooks, etc [1] )
[0] https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/overview
[1] https://redux.js.org/tutorials/essentials/part-7-rtk-query-b...
[2] https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/comparison