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Government policy. The US has multiple quasi-government mortgage market makers (because just one is somehow not enough...) that define baseline terms for home mortgages, and everyone must play their tune. See Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Seriously. That's what they're named.

There is another one tangentially involved as well that I can't remember the name of.

> See Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Seriously. That's what they're named.

Well, colloquial names for "FNMA" (Federal National Mortgage Association) and "FHLMC" (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) anyway

Exactly. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy about around 70 percent the mortgages issued by banks. They only by conforming mortgages, meaning conforming to their terms.


See also the Federal Housing administration which insures loans.


One can see there really isn't a laissez faire free market at work when it comes to housing in the US. The government is in deep and it's regulated out the ying yang.

> One can see there really isn't a laissez faire free market at work

One would think. Yet there is never a shortage of "See! That's Capitalism For You" comments.

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