It is not fundamentally possibly to simultaneously set voltage and current of the charger as they are inversely related to each other and vary as a function of charge state. As the battery gets more full, the current is forced to decrease as the battery resistance increases (or equivalently the voltage is forced to decrease, or some combination of the two). So those given parameters seem to be more estimates of the capabilities of the charger at various estimated points in the graph rather than actual operational values. Unless I am misunderstanding you?
That is principally correct, and, in fact, a fixed voltage power supply with a resistor in series just works for charging NiMH/NiCd, yes.
In Li-ion however, I think it's something like, max voltage ramp is limited even within current limit, then afterwards current is limited even below cutoff voltage, or whatever to similar effects. It's definitely more complicated than just constant max voltage fed through a 330R.