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> clown school

Please please please elaborate on this. I can probably guess what clown school is but ... what's the motivation here?!

Clowns are the last job that can be taken by AI.

If I was an AI, doing clown stuff would indeed be the last thing I would like to be forced to do

Better not try to force it, lest we unleash Bozo's Basilisk

clown school is great. it can take many forms too - there are classes, workshops, school-schools (i.e. some 1-day, some months-long)

a famous clown school is Philippe Gaulier's. famously, Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat, etc.) went (and unsurprisingly excelled) there.

this is a short/good? small snippet re: Gaulier's school - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD4YFuJT0_E

but there's a lot more to it - there are schools and communities in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, ... everywhere? just as you'd find improv classes and communities all around the world.

as for motivation -- I'm not OP, but for me, it can be the same reasons that drive people to learn acting, or improv, or dancing, or meditation, or horse back riding. something about it is about exploring a new "thing" (being on stage, performing) and some is about exploring yourself (your limits, your subconscious, your inner child, etc.)

you should try it if you haven't. everyone should. :*)

That's it! You've all been holding me back too long. I'm going to clown college!

He doesn't have to justify his desire to go to clown school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwUk19cWarI

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