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WTF is e/acc for people that don't live on Twitter?

Effective Altruism is a charity / social club / networking opportunity for young STEM types based on pretty extreme beliefs about Utilitarianism and recently AI. The most famous EA right now is probably SBF.

Accelerationism is the belief that we should race towards catastrophe so that we can rebuild society in a better way.

E / Acc is a (sometimes ironic) amalgam of the two.

You won't be surprised to learn that not many in these groups have studied history.

Utilitarianism has very real utility monsters, and some people seem like they want to make AI into another one...

The original accelerationist manifesto was written by people who did study history. You can find it here: https://criticallegalthinking.com/2013/05/14/accelerate-mani...

#accelerate was a meme (which, mainly referred to a set of aesthetics) on Google circles around 2011

Since then, the meme evolved into a bit of a war between l/acc (the original sense of the term) and r/acc (Nick Land flavored).

e/acc is a play on this—but a decade removed, the original context has been mostly forgotten

To understand the original historical context, you can read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Accelerate-Accelerationist-Reader-Urb..., which traces it back to, among other things, an essay by Marx

It's a twitter thing, that was picked up by the more twitter brained VCs.

Mostly an AI thing originally I think? (I'm addicted to the site, but don't follow the d list celeb drama lol.)

Stands for effective accelerationism, more or less what you read in this Manifesto (Marc Andresson said he identified it a while ago too so makes sense.)

First Google result was a small air conditioning reseller, the second was []1. I'm going with the former.

1: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cultures/eacc-effective-accel...

It stands for Effective Acceleration, I think

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