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Ask HN: What tech stack are you using for MVPs, early products? (Q3 2023)
9 points by moomoo11 on Oct 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
I'm using what I know best, just wondering what others are using. Seems like people are returning to the "basics" and KISS.

For me I'm most productive in Go for all backend needs, and React or Svelte on UI. I'm using managed database, but otherwise deployed on bare metal instance that use embedded db to leverage SSD storage as cache and static assets on CDN.

Just built Clippings with hosted MongoDB, Redis (docker), Node.js (Express) for the backend and Vue.js for the frontend. Docker Swarm to manage containers running on Digital Ocean.

In terms of simplicity... I still haven't found a reason to k8s-erize anything because while it's what all the "big boys/cool kids/whatever" are using... Docker suites my needs well certainly for MVPs.

I really want to prototype more apps in Django. For the one app I've prototyped in it, the dev experience has been excellent. Django seems to a good balance between obfuscating the hell out of what's going on under the hood, and making the user "ride the rails" with no suspension, so to speak.

This is my typical decision tree:

* Frontend only? typescript + nextjs + chakraUI

* small crud project? typescript + nextjs + chakraUI + hasura + postgres

* If it starts to grow? typescript + nextjs + chakraUI + fastify + postgres

* or if it starts to grow and has a heavy need for realtime or queues? typescript + nextjs + chakraUI + Phoenix (elixir) + postgres

Starlette with Jinja templating and some vanilla web components for the frontend, sqlite, redis, all on bare metal.

The same of 10y ago Django Postgres

if it needs more Redis RabbitMQ [even tho more Kafka nowadays] React

TALL Stack

Tailwind CSS/ui Alpine js Laravel Livewire



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