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I'm calling for Tesla to open source all the code running onboard it's vehicles. Consumers have the right to understand how their machines work. Elon, you built an empire off the backs of open source developers. Give back.

What about all of the other cars' code that massively outnumber Teslas? Why not also call for theirs too?

Other car companies will follow suit just like they have with EVs. It's a logical move.

I'd gladly call for that too, even though the request is unrealistic.

Elon is not against open sourcing more code: https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/25/elon-musk-says-tesla-might...

> Consumers have the right to understand how their machines work

Windows and macOS aren't open source either and the vast majority of consumers don't care. It would be cool to be able to install an open source third party OS on your car though...

What Elon says, and what Elon actually thinks are two different non-intersecting sets. As evidenced by his actions

Windows and macOS aren't designed to operate heavy machinery and Linux is a viable alternative. Consumers don't care because they don't know. Consumers who do know, care.

As much as I'd love for that to happen, all of the talk about "Elon mode" leading to potential enforcement action makes me understand why it is unlikely.

Tesla violated the GPL in the past https://techworm.net/programming/tesla-disclosed-autopilot-s...

Are they in compliance with the GPL now?

So brave.

Too much? LOL

Same for Tim At Apple?

Same for Microsoft?


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