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Is there a reason why they used those specific colors? I don't understand why a hospital would be yellow or a police station would be black by default. My guess would be white and blue, respectively.

> I don't understand why a hospital would be yellow or a police station would be black by default. My guess would be white and blue, respectively.

Snow. At least that'd be my first guess for not going with white.

In general, you want to use distinctive characteristics that aren't common in that environment.

Snow in the air is probably a bigger problem than snow on the ground, blizzards with 20m or less visibility aren't that uncommon far north, really easy to get lost and die during those since the snow also blots out the terrain unlike fog.

Imagine trying to find a hospital under these conditions, vibrant color coding helps save lives then:


Despite it's name I suspect there was in fact a lot of snow that would make a white building too inconspicuous.

It's presumptuous to assume your cultural norms apply to everyone across the entire world.

I think it's completely reasonable to assume Greenland has relatively separate history from wherever you got the "white and blue" intuition from.

Yes, that is why I asked. I wasn't criticizing their choice, I wanted to know why it was made, the cultural reasons or circumstances behind it.

I see. Sorry, I misread the tone of your comment.

Easier for a heli-pilot to find when transporting a patient?

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