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This isn’t eye for an eye. It’s simply amplifying their own statements. If they don’t like the attention, don’t make such horrible statements that blame innocent victims for their own deaths. Plus many organizations have realized that this letter was not appropriate, I think that putting more pressure on people who think that this statement is fine is American. I would think we don’t support people who murder innocents is a universal moral concept in the USA.

See the counter argument there is that they weren't blaming innocents for their own deaths, they were saying the government of Israel is responsible for the situation.

And then it will turn into "oh but Israeli actions are/are not justified military action" etc etc.

And then it will turn out that many of the people doxxed didn't actually sign the letter and do not agree with it and merely signed up to a mailinglist/membership/something.

And then someone will physically attack someone who was doxxed.


This cycle doesn't get stopped by amplifying bad actions.

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