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I don't think anyone is going to get killed over this at Harvard

Because no-one would ever travel for some political violence?

Ok, but why should people who never received the statements some group signed with which they were affiliated be fired from their jobs? This is beyond a free speech issue. You can't ask people to always know everything happening and raise their hand for the right thing at the right time.

>Ok, but why should people who never received the statements some group signed with which they were affiliated be fired from their jobs?

Employers have the right to fire anyone for almost any reason in the US. That is a consequence of both freedom of speech and freedom of association.

>Employers have the right to fire anyone for almost any reason in the US.

Yeah, and that's a load of utter bullshit.

Who has been fired for being associated with these groups? Give me a link. The only one that has been fired was that NYU student sending out that horrendous newsletter

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