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Checked: https://www.ibisworld.com/global/industry-trends/biggest-ind...

1. Global Wireless Telecommunications Carriers

Revenue for 2023: $1,102,684,1B

2. Global Oil & Gas Exploration & Production

Revenue for 2023: $5,253,4B

3. Global Life & Health Insurance Carriers

Revenue for 2023: $4,629,2B

4. Global Pension Funds

Revenue for 2023: $4,253,6B

5. Global Commercial Real Estate

Revenue for 2023: $4,200,1B

6. Global Car & Automobile Sales

Revenue for 2023: $3,739,6B

7. Global Direct General Insurance Carriers

Revenue for 2023: $2,891,3B

8. Global Commercial Banks

Revenue for 2023: $2,823,3B

9. Global Car & Automobile Manufacturing

Revenue for 2023: $2,564,8B

10. Global Tourism

Revenue for 2023: $2,285,6B

From this list, only Global Wireless Telecommunications could easy withstand to spend 1000B, all others will have big troubles if spend so much, as this is very large share of their revenue.

Each of those 10 could potentially cover 100B each though?

Yes, they could. Question, if they will?

- Only government could just rise taxes (or just print money) to gather additional 100B, just because they need money. But very few businesses could do such things in so short term and without very serious foundations.

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