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Chrome Multitask Mode (google.com)
125 points by plainOldText on April 1, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

Settlers on Amiga used two mice for multiplayer. It was awesome.

Plugging additional mouse should give you additional cursor. Or better yet just putting another wireless mouse near given computer should give you that.

Also when you Cut something to clipboard with a mouse it should be stored inside you mouse so you can move it to another machine just by carrying mouse with you.

Could you turn your phone in such mouse?

Harder challenge: Why multiple computers with multiple monitors can't just merge in one common space shared and split as their users see fit?

Sometimes it seems like Google puts more effort into it's April Fools jokes than it's real products

This video is a lot like something you would see on The Onion.

Edit: I'm an idiot.

Oh, great, it's that time of year again. The day when it's pretty much useless to even try using the Internet. I'll see you guys on Monday...

It's worth pointing out that this is actually possible with X.org. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-Pointer_X

This is especially useful if you're on a laptop, especially a ThinkPad with the pointing stick. If you're doing something like Photoshop, it's nice to have one pointer near the tools and another near the work surface - it makes switching tools much faster (especially if you don't know the keyboard shortcuts that well.)

I like how when running the demo when you mouseout of the browser and back in it adds even more cursors. Rinse and repeat for even more!

(Go back and play with it even longer: give it a good 30-60 seconds.)

Part of me wishes this were real. Make it happen, extension authors!

There are plenty of realistic applications for this! For example, controlling the reticle vs aim of a fps character, selecting units easily in an rts, selecting spells while looking around in an mmo, simulating multitouch, simulating button clicks to reduce cts symptoms ( so one hand draws, the other hand decides if you Re drawing and to what intensity by moving in and out of an intensity circle. )

I read it Chrome Mutalisk Mode at a distance for a moment. At least it mutates the cursor.

http://youtu.be/UiLSiqyDf4Y?t=53s is that James Dyson on the left?

Looks a lot like him, but my totally amateur 1am opinion is no:

* I can't find any photos of Dyson with hair that long

* The jawline/skin folding doesn't look like Dyson's

* He doesn't look out of place next to two actors, and nearly all non-actors do.

Make sure to click the blue button.

Even after clicking it, make sure to stay on the page for awhile, it gets more interesting.

Fortunately my computer did not shut down when my 2 mouse pointers got too close! Phew!

And play around with it a bit. It takes 30+ seconds to see everything.

They got me! I was like, what the hell they can't be serious. Pretty good :)

That guy has one hell of a mixed Australian-American accent. Reminds me a little of Des Bishop's mad Irish-American brogue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFE_G1i-d90

Do all the Aussies in the valley end up sounding like that?

When I moved to the bay area, I noticed that fellow Australians who had been here for more than three years sounded weirdly sort-of-American, and thought "good thing I'm going back in two years!"

I'm still here six and a half years later. I'm the guy in the video.

Hah, yeah, for Australians the US seems like something between hacker mecca and inescapable black hole.

Nice video. :)

Now I'm curious, do (or why do) Australians seem to like Australia better? Coming from a family of immigrants and being one myself I love to hear stories of what country works better for certain people and why.

Don't cross the streams!

Is this a joke? I'm not trolling, I just don't get it.

April Fool's day, they're just being silly

God I'm dumb. Thanks.

What a joke. Obviously an April fool prank.

Happy First April to everyone!

Happy First April to everyone!

Is Google working anything of interest anymore?

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