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> You're doing the classic thing of explaining why things are bad and thinking that that is the end of the story.

If it was the end of the story, progress would stop. Saying we need a better terminal and then talking about things that run using a terminal ui, but are not the terminal really is the issue here.

> My point was why is nobody working on fixing these issues?

People are working on the problem. There are tons of shells, TUIs, command parsers, web interfaces for commands and interactive apps, some software even work in TUI and GUI mode.

Perhaps a better terminal would help, but I suspect that the problem is there's not really a medium between "better terminal" and "web browser" that won't just evolve into a web browser or something like X over time.

> The answer is not because it can't be done.

No one said it can't be done. You can argue it has been done many times... X11, the web, etc.. But I think the OP was confused about what a terminal is and what the software that runs in the terminal does.

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