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Having never heard of Warp and wondering what would get VCs to give that much to a terminal project I just took look at their website and it’s obviously the AI/LLM aspect.

With that said does anyone know which open source projects are looking at LLM integration. It’s not a bad idea.

I took a look before this year and it used to be that their value proposition was more so geared towards sharing terminal inputs and outputs easily. Now they seem to be leveraging OpenAI APIs instead as their main value prop.

However, I still don't really see why someone would pay 12 bucks a month for that when they could just pay a little bit more for full blown ChatGPT and use AI for much more than terminal commands (and there are already terminal and vim plugins to directly query GPT with your API key, which is orders of magnitudes cheaper than Warp). It seems like a product that has no clear target market or target usage, seems more like a feature than a full product.

It's not at all a bad idea as something like "optional plugin," but it's definitely absolutely a bad idea if we're also mentioning VC's.

Having an LLM run terminal prompts sounds like a recipe for disaster

Thankfully it doesn't run it, it just inserts the commands into your prompt. It's kinda nice but I've also been using the terminal for like 12 years, so I don't find myself relying on it very often.

It’s more about sophisticated replacement for tab completion.

I can just run Llama locally for that, no VC required (and indeed there are plugins which do exactly this already). Llama and other local LLMs are being optimized to run on the CPU on less than 1 GB of RAM so it's not as if only those with beefy GPUs can do so.

Agreed and the part I’m missing is these plugins which do this. Any suggestions or recommendations would be interesting to hear. Which terminals and which plugins etc.

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