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ReactOS Hires Full-Time Developer to Work on GUI Setup (reactos.org)
18 points by tech234a 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Good to hear.

ReactOS is a project that I wish would get off the ground. Perhaps people will finally start to see value in it as Windows enshitifies more and more each year.

I think people often don't understand how difficult of an endeavor making an open source Windows NT clone is. Unix V6 was taugt in universities with annotated source code for 15 years before Linux came around.

Meanwhile, neither Windows nor OpenVMS were ever legally source available.

I think just as with linux the key to getting off the ground is somehow making gaming possible. Somehow facilitating modern nvidia drivers is key, along with steam.

Is a GUI really so important for setup?

Their first stage TUI installer is pretty decent. My guess is they could get more bang for their buck focusing on the compatibility, bug stomping, and optimizing runtime after install.

Regardless, it is good to hear they're getting some full-time help. I'd love to have a reliable alternative to Windows for gaming and older software.

ReactOS need a modern gui, it looks old school in my opinion.

> ReactOS need a modern gui, it looks old school in my opinion.

Windows 11 needs a modern UI. It looks like Windows 2.0.

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