I came here to say Anki is my lifeline for grokking difficult things like DNS.
It was in fact on jvns.ca's book recommendation that I got Michael W. Lucas's _Networking for System Administrators_, and strip mined it for Anki cards containing both technical know-how and more than a little sysadmin wisdom.
It might be one of the highest ROI books I've ever read, considering I actually remember how to use things like nectat and tcpdump to debug transport layer issues at a moment's notice now.
It was in fact on jvns.ca's book recommendation that I got Michael W. Lucas's _Networking for System Administrators_, and strip mined it for Anki cards containing both technical know-how and more than a little sysadmin wisdom.
It might be one of the highest ROI books I've ever read, considering I actually remember how to use things like nectat and tcpdump to debug transport layer issues at a moment's notice now.