The point Julia makes about `grep` resonate with me alot! I have the same (call it problem if you want) issue with `ps`. There is only one variation of ps I know of (`ps aux`) and if I want to change that I have to either look for the options in the man page or google it.
ps is bad in general, the default view is almost never what you want and lots of minor formatting options make for a complicated man page. But it is especially a shitshow on linux.
fsf: which ps options should we use(bsd, systemv, solaris, sgi)?
also fsf: well that's a tricky one... why not all of them?
Oh, that's a nice one, thanks for mentioning it. I'm personally used to "ps afx", but the "u" does give out some quite useful info... and it's compatible with "f"! So I guess I'll add "ps aufx" to my repertoire.