I tended to forget the order of the arguments of the find command, and I would lose time trying to remember its syntax when I'm in front of a machine with no readily available internet connection.
The man pages are readily available.
The bash man page is huge and hairy, but comprehensive, I've found it pretty valuable to be familiar with the major sections and the visual shape of the text in the man page so I can page through it quickly to locate the exact info I need. This is often faster than using a Internet search engine.
I'm not a fan of man pages. Or any documentation that focuses on textual explanations rather than examples in code (looking at you aws).
I recently found https://tldr.sh/ and found it more convenient. I ended up writing myself a vscode extension to have a quick lookup at my fingertips, since I am at least 60% of the time looking at a terminal in vscode
The man pages are readily available.
The bash man page is huge and hairy, but comprehensive, I've found it pretty valuable to be familiar with the major sections and the visual shape of the text in the man page so I can page through it quickly to locate the exact info I need. This is often faster than using a Internet search engine.