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You are right. Clearer instructions will be added.

This v0.1 and consider it alpha. A lot of stuff is broken.

The current build just needs 512MB RAM and an x86_64 CPU.

The ISO can be downloaded from the releases here:https://github.com/trholding/llama2.c/releases/tag/L2E_OS_v0...

Currently it doesn't do much useful stuff except for stories.

You could etch the ISO to pendrive and boot on real system or you could run it in qemu/VM too:

qemu-system-x86_64 -display gtk,zoom-to-fit=off -m 512 -accel kvm -vga virtio -cdrom l2eos.iso

There is a known issue that for some it does not work on Virtual Box. All that will be fixed in future versions.

There are also easter eggs and a hidden game of DOOM (Freedom)

Pics: https://twitter.com/VulcanIgnis/status/1708851772435968017


User posted Video of Doom Play: https://www.reddit.com/user/multiverse_fan/comments/170orkz/...

It is a great start for alpha. While I agree with poster above you, I absolutely do not want you to get discouraged. This is awesome and can only get better from here.

I agree. This week, I'll take time to polish it a bit. And better docs for sure.

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