Indeed, but everything still works for me even though much of that
stuff is blackholed here. These are common efficiencies (mistakes on
my opinion fwiw) and hopefully we can further improve data-leakage and
bring even more things properly back in-house.
Not to be too gushing or naive, I am quite aware that in the UK we
recently "sold" big chunks of GCHQ to Amazon, so I'm not all wide eyed
that parts of our government IT aren't idiots.
Some but not all of it run-of-the-mill corruption from the usual
suspects like Priti Patel. There's not much of Britain left to sell to
private equity and Big Tech, but they're always working on finding new
Not to be too gushing or naive, I am quite aware that in the UK we recently "sold" big chunks of GCHQ to Amazon, so I'm not all wide eyed that parts of our government IT aren't idiots.