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Yes. They were not an ally until after the war started. You don't get to say "nah we don't need you" and then rely on billions of dollars after the fact, and then join the pact and reap the official benefits once the going gets bad.

Maybe you forgot the little detail where Ukraine gave up 1700 nuclear bombs on a promise from Russia and the United States that they have nothing to worry about. Russia wiped their ass with that promise, should we do the same?

Bad move on Ukraine's part, bad move on our part. Yes. Unpopular opinion on this site, but I don't care.

What are the second and third level ramifications of ignoring that promise on our part?

If the current world order is reconfigured, America has the most to lose.

I know that no world order is forever, the US has a vested interest in the stability of the current world order and keep it as long as possible.

That is some serious retconning. The war started in 2014 because they violently rejected Russia as an ally and became a Western one.

That revolution was tainted by outside interests influencing the outcome --one of the influencers was Russia, but there also was another one -one which eventually tried to smooth things over with an "overload". Kind of like when China or USSR piss in LatAm, we kind of get irked.

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