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I read about some of the torturing that has been done to those prisoners... I don't think there are words that can capture the sheer insanity of it all. I .. can't imagine how anyone could do something like that to a living being.

What Guantanamo is horrible but in a historical context it is pretty tame. How can you know about slavery, the holocaust, etc. and be unable to imagine force feeding prisoners who are hunger striking.


> Mr. Nashiri claimed that in 2013, he was subjected to 'rectal feeding' and sodomized with a broom handle by prison staff.

> In 2014, the Obama administration released a 500-page document that detailed some of the CIA’s ‘black site’ program. The document confirms that rectal feeding is a method of torture used by prison staff.

I don’t consider rape, anal feeding, and everything else to be “force feeding prisoners who are hunger striking”.

Just saying "well, the Holocaust was worse" isn't exactly the best defense of foreign policy, is it?

When you claim to be "the land of the free" and a "bringer of democracy" you can't be doing a Guantanamo without coming across like a massive hypocrite. Morals and ethics can't be thrown away the second they become mildly inconvenient.

I never was defending it, they said they were shocked that humans were capable of doing what was done at Guantanamo. I was just saying that there are some other historical events that will really surprise them.

Well, had you read about anal feeding, and the rapes, and everything else, you'd be equally appalled. I am not saying that these have not happened in the holocaust or other such events, but I am appalled that this was done recently, and that there exist people willing to commit those acts.

> I am appalled that this was done recently, and that there exist people willing to commit those acts.

You should be appalled but not surprised. The world is full of monstrous, terrible people, and not just dictators and high up masterminds, but terrible average joes. If you posted a job opportunity that openly said "Job duties: Inflicting torture, rape, and suffering on people we will convince you are bad" you would not have to look far to find job candidates lined up to do it.


Obama issued an executive order to close it on his second full day in office. Congress blocked it. He continued trying to close it throughout both of his terms, and Congress continued to prevent that.

While. Not For.

Right, he won the Peace Prize for winning the election. (He hadn't actually done anything, and hadn't even taken office when the prize was announced.)

Let us not forget the hospital drone strikes during his presidency.

Not any hospital but one run and staffed by doctors without borders. A hospital which was specifically on a non-target list and was known by the US military. The supposed mistake is akin to accidentally dropping a bomb on one of your own bases. Accidents do happen but something like this is a huge failure in US military procedures.

I don't mean to be rude, but you should get over it because this is the world we live in and pearl clutching isn't going to stop them. Don't be sad, get mad!

I don't see how I am "pearl-clutching".

> Pearl-clutching is a deliberate bad-faith reaction to a comment and a form of civil POV-pushing. It is done in order to exaggerate the effects and impacts said comment had.

I merely spoke about the atrocities I read about, and expressed my disbelief in how a person could even commit something like that.

To be fair, being mad hasn’t stopped them, either.

> get over it

> get mad

I can't help but feel this is contradictory advice.

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