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What was gained? Weapons manufacturers stock price went up? What else?

Not security, we somehow left all of our weapons and vehicles behind for the Taliban to use.

We literally threw away decades of goodwill for... nothing. All that happened is our "enemies" are stronger and we are weaker and poorer.

Hundreds of thousands of lives and unimaginably vast fortunes were both thrown away. In exchange, a few thousand people captured a small amount of that spending and got somewhat wealthier.

But even then, most of that was captured by only a few families.

And the people responsible not only didn't go to prison, they remain in power to this day even though many are of advanced age.

They are busy planning a conflict with China now.

Well they said they were sorry, what else do you want from them? The TV says dubya is a good guy now because he dislikes trump, you'd have to be some kind of fascist to disagree with that logic.

Hey I'm a good guy I vote the same way Dick Cheney and John Bolton do.

Public perception of revenge.

It kept on going because, as we saw with Biden, whatever administration made the call would get excoriated for some detail of the withdrawal.

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