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Show HN: Prevent mobile UI regressions, no test writing necessary (emergetools.com)
1 point by jshchnz 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite
Hi everyone! We (emergetools.com) just launched our new Snapshots product to help mobile developers prevent visual regressions and confidently build UIs.

The coolest part is that we can catch these regressions without devs having to maintain a test suite (this works with native SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose, legacy views do require a wrapper)

Our other tools include: Size Analysis (monitor & reduce app size), Performance Analysis (prevent & diagnose performance regressions), Launch Booster (improve your app's startup time), Reaper (find & kill dead code)

If you're a mobile developer you can try using it by just logging in and uploading a build! I'm around to hear any feedback

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