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I agree just knowing the number is bad, but it also makes it easier to discover far worse problems as well.

My second job was for a company that provided internet enabled phone conferencing solutions (this was years before VoIP became widespread).

The customer ids were sequential. Couple that with an outright idiotic security flaw (the login process set the customer ID in a cookie and the app trusted it on ever subsequent request. Just the ID. Nothing else), I was able to iterate over all the customer ids and hand over a complete list of users to my boss to illustrate the problem, starting with a list of the accounts of the complete upper management.

They could have been used to spin up huge numbers of 30-person long distance conference calls at high costs (this company was building out nodes with 20,000 line pstn switches before they had customers... it was crazy, and they failed but would've failed far faster if that had been abused and they were on the hook for costs from their carriers)

Trusting that cookie was still stupid, but had it been a long random key it'd at least been a bit harder to discover and exploit (their next attempt was to base64 encode it and I had to explain why that didn't help; they then finally blowfish encrypted it, but without any time component, so still subject to replay attacks... I jumped at the first opportunity I got to get out of there)

Huh. That's exactly the same security flaw as Moonpig had. Tom Scott made a video about it.

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