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I once had UUID collisions in Linux Boot IDs when we started developing our own embedded systems at my company.

Found them because systemd-journald isn't very happy when Boot IDs repeat and (apparently, then) stops showing earlier boots once it hits a repeating boot ID. And I wanted to see an earlier boot. Then I started logging the Boot ID in a textfile myself and it took less than 10 reboots to have duplicate Boot IDs.

Long story short, some weeks earlier, I "optimized" the Kernel config for that system and some config flags that didn't sound like something I'd need. As it turns out, an ARCH_ZYNQ target apparently also needs ARCH_VEXPRESS set. Otherwise it works absolutely fine, but with a broken RNG that you will notice weeks later.

That was a valuable "don't take down a fence until you know the reason why it was put up" lesson. Don't unset kernel config flags until you know why they are set.

Aside from breaking RNGs, I've never experienced any UUID collisions either.

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