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Doesn't that still leak (statistical) information?

It may not be technically security, but e.g. knowing your competitor just added N products to their shop, might be a security issue for the business.

It may. Certainly, for instance, sequential invoice numbers do. If a business decides to take measures to obscure that, no problem. All I'm saying is that obscuring a numbering system for data artifacts shouldn't be considered any sort of security as far as keeping your endpoints from being hacked.

The point on invoice-numbers brings another issue to mind.

We model our domain(s) using DDD, and often "The ID" really is best left a thing with meaning. Customer-id, Bank-account-number, invoice-number, email, etc. At least within the domain, it is. The business (and laws etc) already ensure there can only ever be one invoice with this number. Its terribly counterproductive to have two ID's for something. "Hey, can you have a look at invoice 20230233, because it seems the VAT was applied wrong. Hmm, do you have the UUID for that invoice and DM me that? You know, the long one with the hyphens".

I guess there isn't a one-size-fits all solution and that "it depends" very much on what e.g. "public" means.

You're absolutely right, this is also why you generally encrypt sessionized or "consistent view" pagination tokens for public apis (save for primitives like ddb or Kafka)

The end user should know no details about your internal key space.

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