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UUIDv7: Timestamp up front, random in the back.

I know HN doesn't like jokes, but this is really funny. And the subcomment about mullets too.

(for folks who don't get it, mullets are a 1980s haircut (think MacGyver) with a short front but a long tail in the back. A funny description of them is "business in the front, party in the back")

Sitting on a tram in Sheffield, early noughties, a chap with a magnificent unreconstructed ROCK mullet gets off. I see two women chatting on the street, they are stunned into slack-jawed amazement as he struts past -- one of the women makes a scissor-snipping hand gesture behind him as he passes, the whole tram erupts in laughter.

Truly, the mullet of unique identifiers.

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