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That's why I believe phone calls should be considered intrusive these days. Unless it's an emergency or you're my mom, you should send a text. I'm not going to notice anyway unless I'm looking at my phone while you call.

I also believe this. The counterpoint was made to me by a close friend who prefers to call (I also have friends who _only_ call) - "you really only engage people on your own terms" - which in some ways makes me a bad friend.

Well why not agree on a time to call via text so it can be on both parties terms. Or speak on my voicemail if they absolutely insist on calling, as I probably won't pick up.

When someone says "on your own terms" what they really mean is "I want it on my terms instead". There's no defense against it, because anything you suggest is "on your own terms" again.

I agree and I frequently come back to read this great anti-telephone manifesto titled 'I hate telephones' by Jim Fisher. You might enjoy it: https://jameshfisher.com/2017/11/08/i-hate-telephones/

He got a lot of good points, except I don't share the experience of phobia. Probably because of my job which required me to take and make calls regularly. Since then I don't feel the slightest bit of phobia, just a strong annoyance when someone interrupts my day. Everything else is very agreeable.

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