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I don't have this problem. Reaper, microphone + sax, occasional other woodwind and occasional keyboard. If I write code for music it'll probably be in puredata or perl (day job). Puredata for (generative)? sequencing and audio effects. Lilypond for notation which I'll consume with reaper or timidity. I tried windows - it confused the crap out of me. I don't mind OSx but do all my real work on a debian workstation.

I kind of just use reaper as a dumb recording reel - I don't use much of it's timing features.

At the moment I'm mostly just writing up exercises to fit my current goal of learning everything in any key.

My music involves a lot of time sig changes. When I export REAPER project to midi and consume in Python, there are bugs such as note duration being wrong exactly where there is a time sig change.

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