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In my opinion advanced DAWs like Ardour, Bitwig, Reaper or Live bring automation to the table, more complex routing and a single tool for a big part of the production. They are also extremely useful to play live (and the recent addition of clips into Ardour makes it closer to the commercial competion now).

It is a bit (just a poor analogy) like saying you could program anything in assembly or C. Sure but sometimes it is just much more efficient time-wise to just use Python, Kotlin, C# or any higher level language and not have to reinvent the wheel or deal with repetitive complexity.

In the end, what I always recommend is to try things and see what sticks, test new tools and retest the ones you didnt select regularly and when your workflow evolves just switch to the more adapted tool. I also find that really nice to improve myself in my current favorite tool as I can often bring back new tricks that were more obvious in other tools.

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