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why not just get some equivalent with two/four wheels then? I get the feeling the answer has something to do with aesthetics rather than practicality

I can absolutely assure you that ‘aesthetics’ don’t play any role in any of my commuter options :)

I also stand by this: The Onewheel was the most versatile commuter option I’ve ever used in NYC.

If failsafes were added that didn’t rely on ‘maintain balance while skidding on your nose or tail at 15+mph in traffic if the power decides to randomly cut off’, I’d likely buy it again.

What did segways do that prevented nosedives?

Maneuverability. You can turn in place. The tire is massive compared to a skateboard wheel. It can run off road, it feels nice on road.

You can turn in place on a skateboard too by kick turning.

Electric unicycles can do all that and are better in every practical aspect, but don't have the cool-factor of standing sideways on a board.

Stupid question, but how do you turn?

You can forcefully pivot it if you wish to turn in place while stationary. Otherwise you lean on the side and accelerate, the wheel is huge and there is enough sidewall to lean on to. You can perform pretty sharp turns. I'd also do a back and forward move, like a 3 point turn but rapidly and within something like 20cm space.

Anyone who rides a OneWheel in public is not someone who's unduly concerned with aesthetics :D

I suspect someone who rides a OneWheel is someone who is unduly concerned with seeming like they're unduly concerned with ethics

Do your aesthetics favour slobs in big boxes?

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