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Why do you take umbrage with a such a relevant fact being disclosed?

Helmets save lives, and isn’t it literally their job to inform us of such facts?

There is an extremely vocal segment of cylists who argue that actually, a helmet never saved anyone and if there were no cars at all, no cyclist would ever die.

Dumbest take out there. My worst accident on a bike was with another cyclist.

That is a very dumb segment.

As someone who has been saved from more serious injury by a helmet more than once … that’s flat-earth levels of delusion.

There’s a time and a place for discussing the merits of helmet usage. An article about a recall of 300,000+ devices should have the article be centered around the safety of the device, not about how a company’s negligence would have been fine if the people wore a helmet.

In my eyes, it’s the same as a journalist talking about how a sexual assault victim wouldn’t have been assaulted if they simply hadn’t gotten drunk that night.

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