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I could see this opening up a new way to generate ideas from which you can start building, or what to add/remove when you're stumped. Maybe a way to create coherent arrangements from a curated list of one shot samples and short loops. And I wouldn't be surprised at all if the automated mixing/mastering services (of which there has been a bunch for years) take a giant leap forward because of better technology.

But in general I'd imagine written language to be a pretty infuriating tool for describing what you want musically, when the most interesting parts of music are just about always the ones that you can't really capture with language. You can kind of outline things with written language and traditional music theory, but it's usually just a blurry version of why a specific piece of music resonates.

I think that AI tools for music will most likely just stay as plugins within the more traditional DAW structure. There's only so many ways to represent an audio file, and a fader that controls the volume of a track or some other parameter.

Like mentioned in the article, most of these additions take quite a bit away from the amount of control the artist has over the music, and lowering the amount of 'input resolution' in this sense is a block that's almost impossible to overcome.

Agree with the text input being annoying and possibly more of an impedance. Personally i would prefer to speak out the sound i want (think beat boxing noises) and then have the generative ai give me an array of similar sounds and then i can just drag and drop where i want it

Writing into a prompt feels opposite to the creative process but as a first pass its a cool tool, kudos

You can kind of do something like this with the Vochlea microphone and their corresponding software: https://vochlea.com

I don't think it's combined with AI yet, but I have to imagine it's on the horizon. At the moment it basically just MIDI-fies your voice. You can raise or lower your voice pitch to turn a parameter knob, beat box to lay down percussion notes, etc.

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