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1. I didnt mention Tesla.

2. I didn't mention batteries. Cobalt is used in many components in EVs

3. Clearly my example was illustrative, generally, of the exploitation of children for mineral resources the country didn't use. The children in Congo is child exploitation writ large.

The kids in Congo are mining something for some application and for someone and that someone is us.

> Russia vs Ukraine

I think you misread my comment. I did not pass judgement at all on the war (on this comment at least). I was just pointing out that whether you take Kiev's numbers as true (450 000 dead Russians + 50 000 dead Ukrainians) or Moscow's (450 000 dead Ukrainians + 50 000 dead Russians) the number of dead is curiously the same.

Half a million dead souls in Donbas, no matter their nationality is a tragedy being comprehension.

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