Firstly, because "safety" equates to "censorship".
The internet wasn't designed as "safe", despite all of the attempts to create age verification and content monitoring and policing laws. It's a monumental achievement and is all the better for being an open technology.
Secondly, because if open research isn't happening at scale, the closed platforms win AI. Tools and techniques need to be open to serve as a counterweight to the behemoths. It will result in more innovation and more distribution of power.
If Microsoft has "won" the internet in the 90s, imagine where we'd be today. Google would have been effectively smothered, we'd all be using MSN, and most of the development dollars and innovation capital would have acreted to Microsoft's sphere of influence.
>I don't see how your example makes a difference, silly as it might be
It didn't complete the task, it's like me asking the AI for other movies to watch that would compliment Schindler's List and it suggesting the most safest option possible of the Minions Movie. Not because it makes sense but because it's utterly as offensive as can be like Pharrell's "Happy" is
I am likely to complain or at least be uncomfortable with this and I don't see how your example makes a difference, silly as it might be.