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Oh no! We don't know who killed beloved professor, Dr. Tots and his unethical student love interest, Lira Buckshire Dunningsworth, heir of Lord Cantishwayshire.

They had the perfect western european historical dispute contextual relationship going on. <I have no idea of western european conflicts but I am going to say the professor is Irish because IRA, and the student is daughter of a british lord because not-IRA>

Who killed them? Why would they even go to a shady part of London where crimes and prostitution happens. That doesn't make any sense. Also on the other hand Dr. Tots actor was a bitch to work with and there was allegations of how he treated atleast one underage actor badly.

Anyway who was the mysterious shadowy figure! Why did he kill them so randomly.

I have no clue who that is, but I would love to have Anthony Hopkins or one of those marvel villains like Ms./Captain Marvel or something to play that role.

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