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Yep. ChatGPT is like having a junior engineer confidently asking to merge broken garbage into your codebase all the time. Adds negative value for anyone that knows what they’re doing.

But with one crucial difference: it's a junior programmer that can make changes based on your feedback in a few seconds, not a few hours. And it never gets tired or frustrated.

I find treating it like an intern is amazing productive: https://simonwillison.net/2023/Sep/29/llms-podcast/#code-int...

hahahah. A friend of mine has a problem with a contractor at his workplace that tries to PR in shell scripts written with Copilot. My friend spends an hour to explain why a script generated in 5 minutes is horrifically awful and will likely take down the company. He's legitimately angry about it.

It seems like the only ways to subordinate programming tasks are to write tests for your subordinate's code, or to review it tediously yourself, or to just trust the hell out of them.

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