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> Even your statement hints that our cities are in a state of societal collapse with increased crime

Not the GP commenter, but I don’t see how their comment hints at this. Could you clarify?

> No, I don't think we're living in a peaceful era at all.

This appears to respond to a different claim than that in the parent comment based on my reading, unless I’m misinterpreting the “no” here?

"even the most violent contemporary American cities, and the conditions of some of our cities are absolutely tragic."

I think there a little hint there that the OP doesnt think American cities are in their golden era.

As to my peace comment, it must be put in context of the precious statement that, as violent as our cities are, we have have achieved some pacification by exporting violence.

If the Congo-US city link is too abstract, consider American jails. They are brutally violent to the point where it is suspected male-male rape might be more prominent than male-female. All of our would be urban violence that we have warehoused in our jails occurs multiple fold in our jails.

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